
What Can I expect at a Shamanic healing?

Prior to your arrival, with your permission, I will have done a Shamanic journey to prepare the way for your guides as well as mine to work together in your healing ceremony. 

When you arrive, we will have a discussion about how you are feeling and what issues you feel need to be a addressed. If you have been specific on the type of session you desire we will discuss it and begin, if not, we will ask spirit to find out what they feel would be best for you. 

If you have not chosen a particular ceremony I will sit next to you and, with your permission, have our shoulders and arms touching. I will then put on a blind fold and play a drumming track to assist me in a trance journey.  I will journey to see what ceremony your guides feel you need at that time, it is up to them to tell me what your needs are. After I have spoken with them I will, discuss it with you.

In most ceremonies you will be invited to lie down on the healing table, fully clothed, and be made comfortable. You will be encouraged to relax, center, open and set the intention for your healing with a drum trance meditation. I will guide you in this relaxing exercise.  I will work over and around you performing different Shamanic techniques and rituals. You may hear drumming, rattles, bells, chants, song, feel air, smell smoke and possibly hear the sounds of one or more of my healing power animals and/or guides. The practitioner is not the one doing the healing, it is done by a channeled spirit guide who works through the practitioner. 

During this you may have your eyes open or closed. It is very important that you hold yourself focused on the intention and be open to receiving the healing provided in the ceremony. You may experience various inward sensations. You may feel emotional release, a deep sense of love or calmness, a rush of power and energy, a feeling of suddenly 'waking up' though there is no 'normal' reaction to a Shamanic experience.

 After the session we will discuss how you are feeling, what you may expect in the coming days or weeks and discuss aftercare. We may also discuss further sessions to assist you in moving forward. 

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